- Film présenté cette année à Cinélatino
The Revolution of the Year, 2014 (Documentary Competition)
- Direction
- Diogo Faggiano
- Country
- Brazil, Argentina
- Format
- Feature film
- Type
- Documentary
- Original title
- O Rio que engole todos os rios
- Scenario
- Diogo Faggiano, Omar Mustafá
Diogo Faggiano
Diogo Faggiano grew up in Paraguay and studied Cinema at the School of Comunication and Arts, University of São Paulo. Directed the short films Copan (2007), Zeit to the Geist (2011, Mostra de Tiradentes), La última frontera (2013, Festival do Rio) and Bashar (2014, Tiradentes, Festival de Brasília), receiving national and international awards. Now, Diogo launches his first feature film, which had its opening in Festival do Rio, October 2014. By the end of 2014, Diogo Faggiano won the best feature movie and best short movie awards at the LatinArab Festival in Argentina.
1. La última frontera (2012 – Brazil, Sumatra): Rio de Janeiro International Short Film
Festival, Festival Luso-Brasileiro de Santa Maria da Feira (Portugal), Festival do Rio.
2. Bashar (2014 – Brazil, Syria) Mostra Tiradentes, Festival de Brasília, LatinArab
3. The Revolution of the Year (2014 – Brazil, Egypt, Syria) Festival do Rio, LatinArab
Note of intent
In 2012, aftar finishing my cinema studies in São Paulo Brazil, I realized that I was not very suitable for Fiction Cinema Scenario in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Looking for a deeper relationship between camera and subject, I decided to stay 40 days in the Jungles where I directed a short: La última frontera. Since then, I’ve made another short about the Syrian Civil War, Bashar, and a feature documentary about aftermath of the Arab Spring in Cairo, Egypt, and Aleppo, Syria. In the LatinArab Festival last year I was approached by Omar Mustafá with a project about registering the coltan mines in the DRC.
A cinematographic essay on the basis of reflexive documentaries (references: Werner Herzog, Germany, and Joshua Oppenheimer, USA) that approaches the conflict of the victims of the mine exploitation in North Kivu (Democratic Republic of the Congo) with the primary goal to restore the physical presence – socially and individually.
Visual concept
We will travel to the region and stay in the villages that surround the mines and live the daily routine of its inhabitants, registering the social universe around the coltan extraction. Later on, we shall approach workers that will be portrayed and interviewed individually. As the last works of the director, like The Revolution of the Year, filmed in Egypt and Syria, the narrative should be build along with the characters. The process involves investigating the imagination of the subject.

- Objectives sought in Films in Development
Financing 3 flights between Brazil and Democratic Republic of Congo
- Shooting planned date
November/December 2015
- Planned shooting location
North, Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Percentage of funding in place
- 0%
- Project's development phase
- Biographie producteur.ice
Omar Mustafá is responsible for assisting the Artistic Director and for the elaboration of the interviews for the multimedia draft. He is in charge of the maintenance of the technical equipment. He is fundamental for the teamwork and for immediate responses and solutions to unforeseen problems that can occur. His qualification to fulfill the described tasks lies in his theoretical and technical studies of the Audiovisual Arts. He graduated in Film and TV Direction from the Center of Investigation and Experimentation in Film and Video (Centro de Investigación y Experimentación en Cine y Video, CYEVIC) and participates in the
seminar of Photography and Direct Sound for Film at the Argentine Syndicate of Film.