Bis 31 bis

Gabriela Gonzalez Fuentes
France, Argentina
Feature film
Original title
Bis 31 bis
Gabriela Gonzalez Fuentes

Gabriela Gonzalez Fuentes


Las muchachas – Gabriela Gonzalez Fuentes – 2013
Best medium-length documentary – Festival
Latinoamericano y Caribeno de Margarita. Venezuela 2014.
Official selection Mujeres en Foco Argentine.
Official selection Festival Internacional de Cine Politico Argentine 2014.
Best feature documentary 6th edition of the Festival Ibericoamericano de Cine Azul Sur-Realidades 2014 Palestina y otros relatos – Gabriela Gonzalez Fuentes – 2014
Official selection of the festival Internacional de Cine de Caracas.
Official selection of the festival Iberoamericano de Cortometrajes ABC
Official selection of the IV° edition of the festival latinoamericano de Cortometrajes CORTOPOLIS Argentina Escrito en la tierra – Gabriela Gonzalez Fuentes – 2011
Participation and winner of the 1st place in the Documentary Half-length category of the IV° edition of the Festival de cine Latinoamericano  y Caribeño Margarita 2011, Margarita, Venezuela.
Official selection and winner with honorable mention to the best documentary of Andean theme of the festival FRANCO-ANDINO, DOCUMENTA 2011. Caracas, Venezuela.
Official selection of the “14° Festival Internacional de Cine de Derechos Humanos”, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Official selection of the II° Festival Caracas Docs, Caracas, Venezuela. / 2012 Guerreros del arcoiris – Gabriela Gonzalez Fuentes – 2008
Official selection – Nomination for the best documentary. Festival del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano. La Habana, Cuba.
Participation. Festival Internacional de Documentales Santiago Álvarez In Memoriam. La Habana, Cuba.
Participation and award: US Premiere Grand Festival Award. Berkeley Video and Film Festival. Berkeley, United States.

Note of intent

In the context of a relationship built up during previous workshops, the idea of making a documentary was obvious and necessary to me. To tell these young peoples’ story in all its depth and complexity, through their eyes and accounts. The project to demolish the canteen made it even more urgent to make this film. Marginalized even further, these young people find themselves once again without refuge or support. I want to bear witness to this powerful life experience and the involvement of Javier and Caty and others who are working with them.


Javier and Caty live in 31 bis, a slum near Recoleta, one of Buenos Aires’s most elegant neighborhoods. Regarded as an ugly stain on the urban landscape, the state is modifying one of the main roads into the city so that the slum will no longer be visible from the highway, even though this means destroying part of it. Caty and Javier realize that the new road will pass through their canteen, which welcomes and provides food for the “pibes”: people -often drug addicts – who live in containers in the port. Over the years, the canteen has become the only place where these young people find comfort and can, thanks to cultural workshops, envisage reintegrating into society. As the roadwork progress, the containers and the “pibes” disappear. Javier and Caty, concerned about the situation, look for another place to create a refuge for these young people, with no certainty of finding one.

Visual concept

A concept based on Italian neorealism and direct cinema to portray the daily lives of our characters, a collective account borne by individuals. The slum borders an affluent neighborhood revealing a spectacular contrast between wealth and poverty. This visual axis will pass through our story with a focus on the canteen, our characters and their everyday reality. We will film close up, using a minimum of equipment in order to blend in as much as possible with their lives. Our approach will be respectful of them and their dignity.

Objectives sought in Films in Development

Find complementary partners, including a co-production with a Spanish company.

Shooting planned date

50% winter 2018/19 (old canteen / demolition / move) and 50% March-July 2019 (implementation of new canteen / workshops with young people).

Planned shooting location

Buenos Aires

Percentage of funding in place
CNC (25 000€ - 17 %) et INCAA Argentine (25 000€ - 17 %)
Project's development phase

Finalized writing, pre-production, film location. 

Pages & Images
Motoneta Cine
Producer's biography

After studying cinema at Paul Valéry University, Montpellier, Youssef Charifi worked as head film editor. In 1998 he founded Pages & Images and became a producer with a desire to reflect social issues and enlighten the understanding of a changing world through creative documentaries. He is a member of the CNC’s commission of creative documentaries.