Monika – Soul of Fire

Ananda Henry-Biabaud, Luis Villafane Guevara
France, Bolivia, Germany
Feature film
Original title
Monika - Âme de feu
Luis Villafane Guevara

Ananda Henry-Biabaud


« De que vuelan, vuelan », documentary 52′ Directed by Ananda Henry-Biabaud and Myriam Bou-saha 2014. 9ème Festival Documental, Award of best documentary movie, nov. 2015, Lyon, France, 9th at the awards of des Etoiles de la Scam 2014, DOK Leipzig,  International Festival of the Documentary Film, oct 2014, Allemagne, Festival du Film Artisanal et Audacieux,  award of the best documentary,  juil. 2014, France  « El pensamiento Unico », documentary 52′ Directed by Ananda Henry-Biabaud and Myriam Bou-saha 2010. Official selection at the Festival Les Escales documentaire, 2010 la Rochelle, France, official selection at the Ecrans du Réel, 2010 Le Mans, France « Canta no llores », short documentary film, 43′ directed by Ananda Henry-Biabaud and Myriam Bou-saha 2008. Official selection at the Festival DocumentAL, 2008, Caracas, Venezuela, official selection at the Festival Documenta, 2008, Lyon, France

Note of intent

Like Monika, I lived this period as a founding moment of my history, the persecution and the underground life as deep sufferings. I want to tell how, in this country, on the borders of South America, a woman becomes a guerrilla fighter and show the complexity of this character, its fragility, its doubts. I want to highlight this incredible fate hoping that the new generations are inspired by it; that they remain alert, annoyed, and hence act for more justice.


« This little girl will be the Aryan woman paradigm ». That’s what Hitler will say about Monika, 6 years old, while sitting on his lap. After the second catastrophic world war, thousands of Nazi top officials escape to South America. Hans E., Monika’s father, is one of them. He seeks safety in Bolivia. In the late 60’s Monika is 16 and discovers this country which amazes and overhelms her. She’s outraged by the social inequality and the poverty of the population. Determined to fight for this country, as if it was hers, her engagement keeps growing. In 1967, the assassination of Che Guevara leads her on the path of armed struggle. She’s 28 years old. During clandestinity, she falls in love with Inti, a Bolivian guerrilla leader. A love story that will make her one of the most wanted women in the 70’s

Visual concept

Monika will be built like a political thriller, where dramatic tension and suspense will be essential. We will be using a clair-obscur effect to suggest mystery and give density to Monika’s character. By favouring a »denuded » photography, we shall get to the point, with close-ups and shots and reverse shots. The music will mainly be composed with discreet atmospheric sounds to accompany the emotion but will also help us emphasize the silence. Heavy silence, intense and sometimes threatening .

Objectives sought in Films in Development

We wish to have an opportunity to meet cinema professionals. Producers firstly, used to working in the coproduction of French-South American projects and which could inform us on the steps of financing, maybe put us in touch with financing structures.
Meet other directors and scriptwriters of the region or Latin-America, towards whom we could turn to have advice, guidance, contacts …
And then advise as we move  forward with the writing by providing a forum to discuss, exchange ideas and provide other views as the project advances.

Shooting planned date

50 days

Percentage of funding in place
Project's development phase


Groupe solidarité Bolivie
Producer's biography

The GSB is a main actor of the  Latin American Film Festival of Montpellier organized every year in partnership with the Diagonal Cinema. Since 2008 the GSB presented approximately 40 Latin American movies and documentaries with debates, in the presence of the directors. Themes: Latin American Women, People and Latin American cultures, Ways of freedom, New latin american prospects