In 2020, Gindou Cinéma launched a fiction feature film writing residency supervised by the filmmaker Yves Caumon for four authors from the Occitanie Region in cooperation with Cinélatino and Occitanie Films. The four the four authors who were selected for the residency in 2021 are: Jules-César Bréchet for his project Un village tranquille, Eve-Chems De Brouwer for her project La Rivière, Pierre Gaffié for his project Dense and François Robic for his project Les faits divers n’existent pas.
The programme includes an eight-day residency in Gindou in October, followed by a six-month remote monitoring for the projects, until a closing session during the festival Cinélatino, Rencontres de Toulouse.
The festival is an opportunity to set up a 4-day tailor-made program allowing the laureates to present their projects to professionals, to expand their network, to meet Latin American filmmakers, potential partners and to learn about existing schemes in the region and elsewhere.
A meeting with Amaury Ovise from Kazak productions (Titane by Julia Ducournau, awarded by the Palme d’Or in Cannes in 2021, and Make it Soul by Jean-Charles Mbotti Malolo, named Best Animated Short Film at the César in 2020) is also part of the programme. This meeting is open to the public and will happen online on Friday 1st April at 10:00 am.
Wednesday 30 March | 14h30 – 19h
Accompanying Gindou Cinéma writing residency – One-to-one meetings with the residency laureates
Conseil Départemental de Haute-Garonne & ONLINE | UPON invitation
These meetings will give the laureates the opportunity to tpresent their projects to professionals, to expand their network, to meet Latin American filmmakers, potential partners and to learn about existing schemes in the region and elsewhere.
>> Read about the 4 laureates projects (PDF)
If you want to meet the authors onsite or online, please contact us at: cinelatino.pros@cinelatino.fr
The authors:
Jules César Bréchet
Jules-César Bréchet is a self-taught filmmaker who has co-directed music videos and short films before working as a technician on feature films (France and the US), as 1st assistant director and 2nd team director. His three short films display an original and special attachment to music and pictorial work which is inherited from his youth having been surrounded by artists in jazz clubs and painting workshops.
His project | Un village tranquille
Rita, a thirty-year-old farmer, meets young burglar named Tom who assaulted her years ago. Both were damaged by the incident and now have scores to settle. Given the distrust of law enforcement and pro-vigilantism that is found in their village, what sort of justice can be found? They will both discover the answer to this question at the end of this long and disastrous day which will spare no one…
>> More information about the project
Eve-Chems de Brouwer
First a theater director, Eve-Chems entered the world of cinema through her passion for the work of the director of photography. Her films, Sous l’écorce and L’odeur de la France were bought by ARTE. They explore the question of the quest for freedom and reconstruction through strong and emotional women characters. She tries to resonate with the unconscious part of the spectator.
Her project | La Rivière
In the heart of wild nature, Brune (25) raises her son Léo (8) in her mother’s house. Her brother Alex (35), su ering from paranoid psychosis and is Léo’s father gure. Brune feels indebted to Alex, whose crises punctuate daily life. Their mother is lost in denial. They live in a clan, with their own rules. Brune has an animistic relationship with the river that ows at the bottom of the garden, she remains there in apnoea until asphyxiation. She shares a mutual attraction with her neighbor Eli and her desire overwhelms her. Leo takes example from Alex, as he is displaying a growing aggressiveness which worries Brune. One day, while swimming underwater, Brune no longer feels the need to come to the surface. This cosmic connection to the river gives her the strength to face her brother.
>> More information about the project
Pierre Gaffié
Former cinema host for the show Nulle part ailleurs on Canal Plus. Fiction director: The city of dolphin skin (shot in Toulouse); 20 meters of love in Montmartre ; La nuit se lève. Music video director for the singers Pauline Croze and Mayra Andrade. Producer for the movie Inconnu à cette adresse for France 3. He writes articles for the magazines Positif and L’avant-scène.
His project | Dense
Marion, joyful and enthusiastic 25-year- old woman studying music nds an ad in a bakery: a photographer, Diane, is looking for a model to take part in shootings in a talent show. Marion goes to Diane’s, who is y years old and lives alone and has sold her travel agency in the city center. Diane o ers Marion a surprising idea: Marion would have to throw two dices and, according to the number they give (25, 53, 48…), she would have to embody this age in front of the camera. Slowly, the shootings, although seriously done, become time for exchanges where they talk about the world and everything in it, learning to know each other at the same time. Dices give truths that are changing but always fruitful.
>> More information about the project
François Robic
François Robic was born in 1995. After studying at La Fémis and ENS Paris Saclay, he directed several short fiction films and a medium-length documentary selected and awarded in international festivals. Les faits divers n’existent pas is his first feature film. Living in both Ariège (Pyrenees) and Paris, he also works as a screenwriter.
His project | Les faits divers n’existent pas
A hiker disappears on a pass. Magda, a new tobacconist in the village below, and her friend Eliane, an old gossipmonger, will get a little bit too interested in the case.
>> More information about the project
Friday 1st April | 10:00 – 11:30 am
Gindou Cinéma writing residency Ending – Meeting with Kazak productions
As part of the ending of Gindou Cinéma writing residency, Cinélatino go into partnership with Occitanie films and Gindou Cinéma to propose the authors of the region a new online meeting with a fiction films production company.
In 2021, Anaïs Bertrand from Insolence productions inaugurated this meeting. In 2022, we invited Amaury Ovise from Kazak productions. This meeting will be an opportunity to ask Amaury about his career and his structure path. Kazal productions especially produced Titane by Julia Ducournau, awarded by the Palme d’Or in Cannes in 2021, and Make it Soul by Jean-Charles Mbotti Malolo, screened at Annecy Festival and named Best Animated Short Film at the César in 2020.
This will also be an opportuny for the authors of the region to ask him about how he selects projects, the profiles of the authors accompanied by the company, etc.
The meeting will be animated by Estelle Cavoit, head of the coordination of the sector at Occitanie films.
>> Connect to the meeting here
Amaury Ovise, producer at Kazak Productions
Amaury Ovise, graduated from La Fémis, joined forces with Jean-Christophe Reymond and joined Kazak Productions in 2009. They produced fourteen feature films by directors who they previously accompanied for their short films, in a dynamic of loyalty and support. In addition to these films, there are forty-five short films and two web series. With the ambition of supporting a young generation of authors dealing with contemporary subjects in a wide variety of genres, Amaury also produces animated films with international careers, including Genius Loci by Adrien Mérigeau, nominated for the Oscar for best animated short film in 2021.
Amaury also produces the films of Déborah Lukumuena, Vincent Mariette, Jean-Baptiste Saurel and Nicolas Pleskof, whose first feature Murder Party will was released on March 9, 2022.