- Joan Gómez Endara
- 2019
- Panama, France, Colombie
- Films in Progress 36 / San Sebastián 2019
When his father dies, Eliécer is left to care for the half-sister he’s never met, called Esperanza. His mission is to take the girl to the capital to find the mother who abandoned her as a baby. The decision not to take responsibility for the girl, and the fulfilment of his duty, oblige Eliécer to set out on a journey on which he will accept the company of Toño, the young boatman whose dream is to make it to the city to become a boxing champion. At the end of the road, Eliécer must decide if he wants the home and family that he and Esperanza had lost.
Joan Gómez Endara
Joan GÓMEZ ENDARA est né en 1976 à Bogotá. Diplômé d’un master en réalisation à l’ESCAC de Barcelone, il a écrit et tourné des courts-métrages, Asunto de gallos (2010) et La Cartera (2011). El Árbol rojo est son premier long-métrage.
- Original title
- El árbol rojo
- Direction
- Joan Gómez Endara (Premier film)
- Country
- Panama, France, Colombie
- Année
- 2019
- Production
- Big Sur