Aquí no ha pasado nada

Vicente recently got back to Chile after living in LA. He’s now on vacation from a school full of people he can’t relate to. He is young, reckless and kind of a loner. Spending summer at his parents’ beach house in Chile, its days of lying on the sand, swimming and partying – with whoever. But one of those random nights of chasing girls and downing cups of booze changes his life forever. He becomes the main suspect of a hit-and-run incident that caused the death of a local fisherman. “I wasn’t the one driving,” he says, but his memories are a blur. He was in the car. He was wasted. And the driver he recalls happens to be the son of a powerful politician. His case, is not an easy one. Slowly but steadily, power, manipulation and guilt will unravel, precipitating Vicente into a downward spiral that brings his sweet summer vacations to a bitter end.

Alejandro Fernández Almendras

Alejandro FERNÁNDEZ ALMENDRAS (1971, Chillán) est diplômé en journalisme et communication sociale à l’Université du Chili en 1996. Aquí no ha pasado nada est son quatrième long-métrage après Huacho (2009), Près du feu (2011) et Tuer un homme (2014) ces deux derniers ayant été sélectionnés à Cinélatino en compétition.


2016 – Aquí no ha pasado nada (long-métrage)
2014 – Matar a un hombre (long-métrage)
2011 – Sentados frente al fuego (long-métrage)
2009 – Huacho (long-métrage)
2007 – Lo que trae la lluvia (court-métrage)


Original title
Aquí no ha pasado nada
International title
Much Ado about nothing
Alejandro Fernández Almendras
Alejandro Fernández Almendras
Inti Briones
Domingo García Huidboro
Agustín Silva, Li Fridman, Paulina García, Luis Gnecco, Alejandro Goic, Daniel Muñoz, Augusto Schuster
Spoken language
Jirafa, Brisa Films, S.A.