Award Films in Progress 25

Films in Progress 25 TOULOUSE
Thursday the 27th and friday the 28th of march 2014

This double annual event jointly organized by two European festivals (Toulouse and San Sebastian) aims to contribute to the completion, distribution and promotion of Latin American films who encounter difficulties at the stage of post-production. .

A selection of six films being finalized will be presented to an audience exclusively composed of film professionals who can contribute decisively to ensure that these works reach the public.

the following prizes will be awarded as part of Films in Progress 25

Films in Progress TOULOUSE AWARD :

It consists in post-production services offered by partnered companies, a grant aimed at post-production works and the promotion of the awarded film.

This “Toulouse Films in Progress Award” will be delivered by a jury composed of representatives of companies and entities involved in the award.

LE CENTRE NATIONAL DU CINÉMA (CNC) will attribute a grant towards the completion of the project, which will cover post-production work in France.

COMMUNE IMAGE spotted behind the Saint Ouen flea market, at less than one kilometer from the Clignancourt door, is a 2500 square meters working space made up of offices and post-production spaces accessible to everyone working in the media world with the aim to contribute to constructive, intelligent and open-minded creations. Thus, and for low prices, Commune Image gives editing room, shooting studio, 4K calibration room projection and sound mixing, DCP creation, … It’s in that way that Commune Image supports the festival and offers 10 days of calibration in projection room.

EAUX VIVES together with the business partners will coordinate the awarded film post-production that includes 4 weeks of followed post-production up to 8.600€.

TITRA FILM Paris, TVS and LES STUDIOS DE SAINT OUEN, gathered under the TITRATVS brand, intervene since 80 years on cinema movies in the following fields : linguistic and accessibility (subtitulation, dubbing, audiodescription, deaf subtitulation and LSF), post-production picture and sound in the framework of its 6 Saint Ouen studios (post synchronization, sound mixing, calibration), creation, duplication of digital delivrable and film (DCP, Blu Ray, DVD, iTunes, Google Play, Netflix, PAD TV), management of KDM, management of local and international servicing, 2K heritage movie restoration. TITRA FILM Paris, TVS and LES STUDIOS DE SAINT OUEN employ 100 cinema experts. As historial partnair of Film in Progress, TITRA FILM Paris gives a 3.000€ support to realize subtitle technical package work (without adaptation), creation and/or DCP duplication, or iTunes and/or Google Play package creation. Within the framework of supporting Latinoamerican cinema, TITRA FILM is also partnair of Primer Corte / Ventana Sur.

MACTARI will offer services of audio editing and sound mixing up to 15.000 euros.

FIREFLY is a company created by 2 experts of digital cinema, Philippe Reinaudo and Luc Guenard. Its main activity is the conception and edition of softwares. Firefly offers a software suite from the management of the rushes during the shooting to the high quality post-production and the digital-Dailies. FireCloud is the core of this suite. It consists in a software of collaborative colorimetric calibration from the same site or from distant site. Firefly will provide free Firefly software suite to calibrate the awarded film.

LA CAISSE CENTRALE D’ACTIVITES SOCIALES DU PERSONNEL DES INDUSTRIES ELECTRIQUES ET GAZIERES (CCAS) will offer a five weeks residency in Paris to the winner towards the completion of the post-production or the promotion of the film in France.


CINE + TV network guarantees to purchase the winning film for the amount of 15.000 euros and to broadcast it on its network. This sum will be given to the distributor on condition that this film will be commercially exhibited in French theatres within the first two years following the Films in Progress screening.


EUROPA DISTRIBUTION will promote the film to its 120 members network.

LA CONFÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE DES CINÉMAS D’ART ET D’ESSAI (CICAE)  will systematically inform their 2.000 members about the film. This will make the distribution companies aware of this film and promote its circulation.


FILA 13 SUBTITULATION will offer the dialog list in french made for Cinéma en Construction to the producer of each selected movie .
The Producers Network-Festival de Cannes offers two (2) Producers Network accreditations to producers of films selected in Toulouse Films in Progress.

Région Midi-Pyrénées supports Films in Progress and Cinéma en Développement by contributing towards the presence of film directors and producers (whose films have been selected) as well as cinema professionals (co-production and post-production) who participate in those help facilities.


Esther Saint-Dizier
T : + 33 (0)5 61 32 98 83
Cel: + 33 (0) 672 50 94 68

Films in progress thanks

Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image animée (C.N.C) – Région Midi-Pyrénées – Conseil Général de la Haute-Garonne – Mairie de Toulouse – Caisse Centrale d’Activités Sociales du personnel des industries électriques et gazières (C.C.A.S) – CINÉ + – Mactari – Titra TVS – Eaux Vives – Firefly – Commune image – Confédération Internationale des Cinémas d’Art et d’Essai (C.I.C.A.E) – Europa Distribution – EP2C Postproduction training program – La Cinéfondation – La Trame – l‘École Supérieure d’Audiovisuel (E.S.A.V) – Producers Network (Cannes) – Crous Toulouse – Cetim – Fila 13 – Signis – Daniel Goldstein – Deluxe – Dolby – Ibermedia – Laserfilm – Nephilim producciones – No  Problem Sonido – Vertigo Films