For the second consecutive year, the Festival Cinélatino, Rencontres de Toulouse continue a partnership with the Association of Argentinian film directors, Proyecto de Cine Independiente (PCI), to create a space that makes visible various projects developed by member directors. A selection of projects at different stages (writing, post-production, completed films) will be presented to professionals.
The PCI (Independant Cinema Project) gathers over a hundred Argentine filmmakers, most of which also are producers and members of audiovisual companies. Since its creation in 1999, when Argentine cinema was going through some feverish renovations, PCI has been evolving by acquiring more institutional importance and improving the number and the quality of its members.
Most of the PCI filmmakers are internationally renowned and stand apart thanks to the diversity of their views. Consequently, we can find as experimental movies or first-person narrative documentaries as more industrial formats. Movies made by filmmakers like Anahí Berneri, Diego Lerman, Pablo Giorgelli, Celina Murga, Edgardo Cozarinsky, Daniel Rosenfeld, Santiago Loza, Ariel Rotter, Lucía Puenzo and Benjamín Ávila, among others, were selected and awarded in festivals such as Berlin, Saint Sébastien, Toronto, Venise and Cannes.
They unite around one objective: expanding the possibilities of cinema of all forms and genres and, by generating actions whose intention is to promote transparency and efficiency of audiovisual-related public politics, unite directors and audience and set the conditions to a better flowing of films d’auteur in Argentina and around the world… In that way, they have developed programs with institutions like ACID, the French Institute and INCAA.
This is why we celebrate our second collaboration with Cinelatino, Rencontres de Toulouse, which offers us new challenges and possibilities for the future.
> FB : Asociación de Directores de Cine PCI
The Selection 2019
> Download the detail of the projects
Previous editions of 2018