THE CNC PRESENTS the International Coproduction France – Latin America SUPPORT AND THE ACM Distribution SUPPORT
Presentation of the Aide aux Cinéma du Monde support, a selective fund dedicated to feature fiction, animation or creation documentary projects for a first exhibition in a cinematographic theatre. It can be granted before the completion of a project (production subsidy). The projects not selected for a subsidy before the completion can be presented to get a subsidy after the completion (finishing subsidy).
The Aide aux Cinémas du Monde support provides a unique point of entry for filmmakers from around the world. It aims to make the association of filmmakers and professionals from around the world more open, attractive and simple, with a view to co-producing together works that will contribute to promoting cultural diversity.
Presentation of the Distribution World Cinema support (ACM Distribution), a support scheme dedicated to support and promote the international distribution and circulation of co-productions with a non-European country. This programme has received support from the European Commission’s Creative Europe-MEDIA programme.
MONDAY 29 MARCH 7:30 pm
ONLINE | in Spanish | Open to the public (Zoom link coming soon)
The presentations will be followed by a discussion with the attendees
Mathieu FOURNET, Head of European and International Policy Unit CNC
Mathieu Fournet has been working for eighteen years serving creative and cultural industries on an international level. Since April 2019, he is Head of International Policy Unit of the CNC, the French national center for cinema.
European and International Policy Unit CNC
Aide Aux Cinémas du Monde
Manon DUVERGER, Coordination of the CNC ACM Distribution support scheme
She coordinates the ACM Distribution at the CNC since 2018, a support scheme that aims to improve the distribution and circulation in the world of international coproductions.
Aide Aux Cinémas du Monde Distribution
Sara SILVEIRA, producer, DEZENOVE (Brazil)
Agustina Llambi Campbell, producer, LA UNION DE LOS RIOS (Argentina)
Karina AVELLÁN, producer and distributor, PACÍFICA GREY (Costa Rica)
Karina Avellán and Marcelo Quesada developed their careers in cultural management, film distribution and production. They worked as counselors for the development of the industry and for training programs for regional institutions such as Costa Rica IFF and Cinergia, film funds for Central America and Cuba. Co-directors of Pacífica Grey, a film society dedicated to the production and distribution of independent movies in Central America. Pacífica Grey benefited from the ACM Distribution for the distribution of Ixcanul made by Jayro Bustamente in Costa Rica.
Marcelo QUESADA, Producer and distributor, PACÍFICA GREY (Costa Rica)
Karina Avellán and Marcelo Quesada developed their careers in cultural management, film distribution and production. They worked as counselors for the development of the industry and for training programs for regional institutions such as Costa Rica IFF and Cinergia, film funds for Central America and Cuba. Co-directors of Pacífica Grey, a film society dedicated to the production and distribution of independent movies in Central America. Pacífica Grey benefited from the ACM Distribution for the distribution of Ixcanul made by Jayro Bustamente in Costa Rica.
Rafael SAMPAIO, Managing Director of BrLab, producer and founding partner of Klaxon Cultura Audiovisual
He worked as a film programmer at cultural venues such as Museu da Imagem e do Som de São Paulo, Cinemateca Brasileira and Cine Olido, and has already produced and programmed many film exhibitions and festivals. He also coordinates training courses and platforms such as Prodav 04 Project Development Labs for Ancine/FSA, in addition to BrLab, which he created and has been directing since 2011. He produced the feature films Sobre Rodas (2017), directed by Mauro D ‘Addio, and Diz a Ela que me Viu Chorar (2019), directed by Maíra Bühler, among others.
Br Lab
Tuesday 30 march 7:30
In partnership with LatAm Cinéma, le BrLab and Show Me The funds
ONLINE | in English | Open to the public (Zoom coming soon)
Noémie BENAYOUN, responsible for the creation and accompaniment of authors and producers, residencies and international development – ALCA
ALCA, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine’s cultural agency for Book and Film, supports creation and production through fundings, an artists-in-residence program, and a regional film commission.
Noémie Benayoun was in charge of the funding for 8 years; she is now head of Creation, developing programs to support directors and producers, residencies, and international co-production.

Pierre DALLOIS, Head of the Creation Unit, Ciclic Centre-Val de Loire
CICLIC CENTRE-VAL DE LOIRE (the Centre-Val de Loire regional agency for Book, Image and Digital Culture) is a French institution for funding and supporting audiovisual projects. To do so, the agency offers to professionals different types of funding schemes, a network and mentoring.
Anne-Cécile ROLLAND, responsible for feature films and fiction, audiovisual animation Films in Brittany
For 15 years, Anne-Cécile Rolland accompanied more than 150 films in theaters, with Pretty Pictures and Condor. El Secreto de sus Ojos, La Jaula de Oro, Magical Girl, Petra, are among the 150 films she distributed. She is now in charge of the Film Fund in Brittany for long feature projects and implements the region’s new strategy to support cinema, at all stages of production.

Tatiana LEITE, Founder Bubbles Project, producer and film programmer
Tatiana is a producer and film programmer. With her company Bubbles Project, she produced the features Hopefuls, Pendular, Loveling, A Family Submerged and Nona- If They Burn Me, I’ll Soak Them, officially selected in festivals like Berlinale, Sundance, Locarno, Rotterdam, San Sebastian, etc.
Retina Latina is a Latin American platform dedicated to Latin American cinema, created in 2016.
Latin American filmmakers’ perspectives from France.
LIVE | SUNDAY 21 MARCH 10:00 pm
ONLINE | in Spanish without translation | Open to the public on Facebook and Youtube
Pablo AGÜERO, Argentine filmmaker
Raised in Argentinian Patagonia, Pablo Agüero gained international recognition from his film Primera nieve, Grand Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival. From his first feature, Salamandra, to his last, Akelarre, both selected in the Quinzaine des réalisateurs, all of his films have received multiple awards. Eva no duerme, with 11 nominations and 6 silver Condor, was the most awarded film in Argentina in 2015. Akelarre is the second most nominated film of the Goya 2021.
Flavia CASTRO, Brazilian filmmaker
French-Brazilian scriptwriter, producer and director of documentary and fiction films. In France, she has worked as an executive producer and script doctor for TF1. She directed two films: Deslembro (2018) and Lettres et révolutions (2011). Currently, she is developing two fiction feature films, one of them for the prestigious production company VideoFilmes owned by Walter Salles with the support of Hubert Bals and Ibermedia and the other one with the Brazilian filmmaker Vicente Amorim. She is also working on documentary and fiction series for the Brazilian TV.
Elvira DÍAZ, Chilean filmmaker
Elvira Díaz is the daughter of a Chilean ex-political refugee. She was born in France in 1975. This year, she is preparing her fourth documentary about the consequences of the Chilean coup d’état on the lives of the dictatorship’s survivors and members of the Resistance. She is also a film editor and a director of photography.
MARCELA SAID, Chilean filmmaker
French-Chilean filmmaker. After four political documentaries, including El Mocito which was shown at the Berlinale Forum in 2011, she directed her first full-length fiction film, The Summer of Flying Fish, which was selected at the Director’s Fortnight of Cannes in 2013. In 2017, Los Perros, her second full-length fiction film, was selected at the International Critics’ Week of Cannes and won many prizes, including “Horizontes Latinos” in San Sebastián, the prize of the Jury in Biarritz, Best Picture in Calcutta and Best Screenplay in Cairo. It was nominated in the GOYA prize in 2019. Currently, Marcela is writing her third full-length fiction film, The Hunt for the puma, with Gonzalo Maza. In 2019 and 2020, she also directed some of the episodes of Narcos: Mexico and Lupin, two Netflix series.
Amanda RUEDA
Amanda Rueda is a lecturer in information and communication science in the Department of Art and Communication of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès University and a member of the LERASS. She is also a member of the editorial board of the magazine Cinémas d’Amérique Latine. Her research focuses on cinema and the audiovisual, mainly about documentaries, digital literacy, cinema festivals and Latin American cinema.
Roundtable – Services, Rentals and Films Commissions: a dialogue between the Occitanie Region and Latin America
LIVE | Friday 26 march 5:00 pm
ONLINE | in Spanish without translation | Open to the public on Facebook and Youtube
Isabel BIRBÉS, filming project manager, Filming Office of Toulouse Metropolis
After a formative experience at the event pole of Toulouse’s city council, she identified the needs of filming installations. She is the essential connection between production societies and the Metropolis’ services. Multi-skilled and passionate, she will know how to open all the city’s doors for you and to ease your procedures.
Bureau des Tournages de Toulouse Métropole
Emmanuelle ROSSIGNOL, promotion manager, Filming Office of Toulouse Metropolis
Tour guide during 15 years for the Tourist Office of Toulouse, this cultural heritage-lover knows how to help you find the right scenery for your projects.
Involved in the sector’s events (exhibition and festival), she meets frequently the local audiovisual professionals in order to gain their support for create new projects in our region.
Bureau des Tournages de Toulouse Métropole
Marin ROSENSTIEHL, head of the film’s Commission in Occitanie, Occitanie Films
He is, since 2006, the head of the film’s Commission at Occitanie Films where over 150 full-length features and fiction TV shows are backed by Occitanie. Dedicated to welcoming films’ shootings and logistic support, he is the facilitator for the cooperation between film production societies and the Occitanie. The objectives are to enhance the region’s attractiveness and the film locations, reference the natural settings for the films, facilitate the contacts between public structures and private structures for the shootings’ authorizations and promote employment highlighting the talent of Occitanie’s technicians and actors.
Acceuil de tournages Occitanie Films
Silvia ECHEVERRI, Director of the Colombian Film Commission
Location Colombia
Alexia MUÑOZ, Director of the Mexican Film Commission
Comisión Mexicana de filmaciones
The diffusion of Latin American cinema in France
LIVE | Sunday 21 March 06:00 PM
ONLINE | in Spanish without translation | open to the public on Facebook and Youtube
Barbara CARROLL, Founder Festival Viva Mexico (Mexico / France)
Producer and cultural promoter, a specialist in international cooperation cultural projects. With more than 18 years of experience, she has taken part in artistic initiatives in Mexico, France, Spain and the United States. In Mexico, she coordinates the artistic activities of the Jalisco Secretary of Culture Art Schools and produces audiovisual programmes for Mexican and American production companies. In France, she collaborates with the Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes in the organization of the Forum Européen de la Jeune Création (Luxembourg, 2007) and coordinates the “map” artistic residence programmes. Festival Viva Mexico
Mónica FLOREZ MELO-CHAPTAL, Utopia Tournefeuille Toulouse Cinema (Colombia / France)
Programmer of the independent cinema Utopia in Tournefeuille.
Florencia GIL, Indie Sales exportation and international sales (Brazil / France)
Her career began in São Paulo as a director and theatre producer. In 2010, she participated in he UCLA’s professional production program in Los Angeles, California. Back in Brazil, she worked for the São Paulo Film Festival. Based in Paris since 2011, she obtained a master’s degree in media in Paris 8, with a research about independent films distribution in Brazil, then the Atelier Ludwigsburg-Paris one-year producer program of, supported by La Femis, NFTS and Filmakademie and supported by Media and Arte. Since 2012, she works as a sales agent for several companies such as Rezo Films, Independent (London) and La Luna.
Jovita MAEDER, Bobine Films independent film distributor (Peru / France)
Executive Director at Bobine Films, an independent film distributor based in Paris, founded in 2013. Specialized in art-house cinema: fiction and documentaries, world cinema.
Among recent acquisitions: Matar a Jesús, Caiga quien Caiga, Perro Bomba
Esther SAINT-DIZIER, Founder and Honorary President of Cinélatino, Rencontres de Toulouse and Films in Progress (France / Spain)
Founding member of the Rencontres Cinémas d’Amérique Latine de Toulouse in 1989, President of the Association of the same name which organizes the festival and responsible for the programming of the Encounters which was largely open to the discovery of new talents through first films, short films and audiovisual schools works, until June 2008. Head of “Films in Progress”, an initiative co-organized with the San Sebastián International Film Festival until March 2020, then with the Lima Film Festival (PUCP) to support Latin-American feature films in financial difficulty at the post-production stage. Currently Honorary President of ARCALT.
Films in Progress
Moderator: Adrien SARRE, Regional Andean countries Audiovisual Attaché for the France Embassy in Colombia
Adrien started at the Cannes Film Festival as a project manager for the General Directorate for 8 years. From 2007 to 2011, he worked at Unifrance as Head of Festivals and Artist Relations for Spanish, French and Portuguese speaking territories. From 2011 to 2015, he held the position of Audiovisual Attaché in Los Angeles for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From 2017 to 2019, he worked for Titrafilm, a company specializing in Post-Production and Localization (subtitling and dubbing). He has held the position of Audiovisual Attaché for the Andean Countries since September 2019.