- Caru Alves de Souza
- 2013
- Brésil
- 72 min.
- Films in Progress 22 / San Sebastián 2012Films in Progress 23 / Toulouse 2013
Helena is a young lawyer who divides her time between her work as an advocate for young children and teenagers at the city of Santos Court, in Brazil, and Caio, the teenager with whom she leads a harmonious and honest life. However, her relationship is put to the test when Caio commits a felony and Helena is in charge of defending him.
Caru Alves de Souza
Caru Alves de Souza (Brésil, 1979) est une jeune réalisatrice, productrice et scénariste. Elle a tourné des documentaires pour la télévision et des courts métrages primés. Elle est actuellement en train d’écrire deux scénarios de long métrage qui ont gagné des concours, Sonhos de Rossi et Bagdá. De Menor est son premier long métrage.
– Je m’appelle Bagdad, long-métrage de fiction, 2020 70e festival de Berlin (Grand Prix – Generation 14 Plus ) | Semaine de la Critique – 42e Festival International du Film du Caire | 65e Festival international du Film de Cork | Festival international du film de Nara | Spotlights de la Berlinale – Underage, long-métrage de fiction, 2013 Festival international du film de San Sebastián | Festival international du film de Rio (Meilleur long-métrage) | Festival du cinéma d’Amérique Latine de Biarritz | Cinelatino – Rencontres de Toulouse. – Family Affair, court-métrage de fiction, 2011 35e festival international de cinéma LGBT de San Francisco (EUA) | Festival International de Films de Femmes de Créteil | Festival de Cine de Cartagena | Festival international des courts-métrages d’Uppsala
Production notes
TANGERINA ENTRETENIMENTO was founded by the filmmaker Tata Amaral in collaboration with Caru Alves de Souza, belonging to the new generation of Brazilian filmmakers. Their productions have been showcased in Brazil and abroad. Some of its award-winning productions are Antonia, exhibited in Berlin, Rotterdam and other festivals; Hoje, winner of the 2011 Brasilia festival, and the short-film Assunto de Familia, presented in more than 20 festivals. Its work features dense stories, but always adopting a delicate and feminine perspective.
The project has received the following supports : Brazilian Ministry of Culture, Secretary of Culture of the State of São Paulo.
- Original title
- De Menor
- International title
- Underage
- Direction
- Caru Alves de Souza (Premier film)
- Country
- Brésil
- Année
- 2013
- Scenario
- Caru Alves de Souza, Fabio Meira
- Picture
- Jacob Solitrenick
- Cutting
- Willem Dias
- Music
- Tatá Aeroplano
- Actors
- Rita Batata, Giovanni Gallo, Caco Ciocler, Rui Ricardo Diaz, Diego Pablito
- Spoken language
- Array
- Production
- Tangerina Entretenimiento