- Julia Murat
- France, Argentine, Brésil
- 78 min
- Films in Progress 19 / Toulouse 2011
Jotuomba is a fictive village, located in the “Vale do Paraíba”, Brasil. In the 1930s, the big coffee estate are going bankrupt and, when the trains stop to circulate, the cities, once rich, become ghost cities. Madalena, the village’s baker lives there, with the memory of her dead husband, who is buried in the city cemetery, now closed. Rita, a young photographer, arrives in Jotuomba looking for trains and she find the fantastic universe of Jotuomba.
Julia Murat
Née en 1979 à Rio de Janeiro, Julia Murat est diplômée de l’École des Beaux Arts de l’Université de Rio de Janeiro. Elle a ensuite réalisé des courts-métrages, des vidéos expérimentales et des installations vidéo. Des histoires qui n’existent que lorsque l’on s’en souvient est son premier long-métrage de fiction.
Production notes
Taiga Filmes e Vídeo es una productora creada por Lucia Murat a principios de los 80, que ha producido las películas: O Pequeno Exército Louco, Que Bom te Ver Viva, Daisy, Doces Poderes, Brava Gente Brasileira, Quase Dois Irmãos, Olhar Estrangeiro, Maré, Nossa História de Amor y Dia dos Pais. Las películas de Taiga recibieran números premios y fueran seleccionados en los festivales más importantes del mundo, como Cannes, Berlin, Toronto.
Fonds Sud Cinema, aid to the production
Programa Ibermedia, aid to the production and to development
INCAA, aid to the production
Workshop of development of Ibero-American project of Casa America and Fundación Carolina
Laboratório Sesc Rio de Roteiros para Cinema
Workshop Colón of cinematographic project analysis organized by the Fundación TyPA
Co-production meetings of Buenos Aires Lab
Co-production forum Huelva 2008
- Original title
- Histórias que só existem quando sembradas
- Direction
- Julia Murat (Premier film)
- Country
- France, Argentine, Brésil
- Scenario
- Julia Murat, Maria Clara Escobar, Felipe Sholl
- Picture
- Lucio Bonelli
- Cutting
- Marina Meliande
- Music
- Lucas Marcier
- Actors
- Sônia Guedes (Madalena), Lisa Fávero (Rita), Luis Serra (Antonio), Ricardo Merkin (Padre Josias)
- Original version
- Array
- Trailer
- Voir la bande-annonce
- Production
- Taiga Filmes
- Coproduction
- MPM Film