- Cecilia Atán & Valeria Pivato
- 2017
- Chili, Argentine
- 85 min
- Films in Progress 31 / Toulouse 2017
Teresa (54) has worked for decades as a live-in maid in Buenos Aires. When the family sells the house, she is forced to take a job in a distant town. Although feeling uncomfortable, she embarks on a journey through the desert. During her first stop, in the land of the miraculous “Saint Correa”, she loses her bag with all her belongings. This incident leads her to cross paths with a travelling salesman, the only one who can help her. What seemed like the end of her world will prove her salvation.
Cecilia Atán & Valeria Pivato
Valeria Pivato a commencé sa carrière en tant qu’assistante de réalisation, directrice de casting et superviseur de scénario pour des projets de cinéastes reconnus. Elle a remporté le concours international de scénarios Patagonik avec Antes y después y después otra vez.
Cecilia Atán a commencé sa carrière comme réalisatrice en 2007 et a réalisé des spots publicitaires et des programmes éducatifs. En 2016 elle réalise le documentaire Madres de Plaza de Mayo, la historia, nominé aux International Emmy Awards.
2012 – The sea – Cecilia Atán – court-métrage
Production notes
CEIBITA FILMS was founded 2006 in Guatemala with the goal of developing and producing projects that strengthen Latin American identity. In 2014 it expanded its organization to Chile with the aim of facilitating collaboration across the continent.
HADDOCK FILMS was founded in 2005 with headquarters in Buenos Aires. Its objective is to contribute to the growth of the film industry with the creative and productive resources available to them, deepening the ties of collaboration between Argentina, Latin America and Europe.
– Audiovisual Development Fund 2016 – CNCA, Chile.
– First Feature Prize 2013 – 2do.llamado INCAA. Argentina.
– Berlin Coproduction Market – 2016, Germany.
– Raymundo Gleyzer Contest 2013 INCAA. Preselection Metropolitan Region. Argentina.
– Rodolfo Santana Screenwriters Lab 2013. VI Festival de Cine Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Isla Margarita. Venezuela.
– International Cine Qua Non Lab 2012 – Screenplay Workshop. Mexico
- Original title
- La novia del desertio
- Direction
- Cecilia Atán & Valeria Pivato (Premier film)
- Country
- Chili, Argentine
- Année
- 2017
- Scenario
- Cecilia Atán, Valeria Pivato
- Picture
- Sergio Armstrong
- Cutting
- Andrea Chignoli
- Music
- Leo Sujatovich
- Actors
- Paulina García (Teresa), Claudio Rissi (Gringo)
- Spoken language
- Array