- Eugenio Canevari
- 2014
- Espagne, Argentine
- 74 min
- Films in Progress 26 / San Sebastián 2014
Young Paula lives and works at the pile of a middle-class family caring for their children. Her life takes an unexpected turn on discovering that she’s pregnant by a young man who refuses to accept his fatherhood. Paula decides to conceal her pregnancy and looks for the answer in abortion; but with no money, it won’t be easy. Meanwhile, everybody in the house is busy preparing the birthday party celebrations for one of the youngest members of the family, Nachi. No one seems to notice Paula’s condition.
Eugenio Canevari
Eugenio Canevari studied sound and image at the FADU, University of Buenos Aires, photography & camera operating at Belgium’s INRACI, and film directing at the Bande à Part film school in Barcelona. His 35mm short film, Gorila baila was screened at the San Sebastian Festival in 2013 as part of the International Film Students Meeting. He had previously made the short films Long Distance (2011), in 16 mm, and La frontera (2011), in HD.
2011 – Long Distance
2011 – La frontera
2013 – Gorila Baila
- Original title
- Paula
- International title
- Paula
- Direction
- Eugenio Canevari
- Country
- Espagne, Argentine
- Année
- 2014
- Scenario
- Eugenio Canevari
- Picture
- Matías Castillo
- Cutting
- Didac Palou
- Actors
- Estefanía Blaiotta, Denise Abbate, Nazareno Gerde, Pablo Boccanera, Amelia Carricart, Justo Carricart
- Original version
- Array
- Production
- Mama Húngara Cine, El dedo en el ojo