- Mariana Rondón
- 2013
- Venezuela
- 95 min
- Films in Progress 23 / Toulouse 2013
I am nine years old and my hair is a mess.
I am thirty years old and have a weird son.
If I straighten it, my mummy will love me.
If he stays as such, I will hand him over to his grandma.
I hope she doesn’t abandon me.
Mariana Rondón
Mariana Rondón (Venezuela, 1966) studied animated cinema and video art in Paris with W. Wegman. She belonged to the first generation of students invited to enter the EICTV, Cuba. In 1991, she founded Sudaca Films. Her films have been awarded and globally distributed. Her works of plastic art have been presented all over the world.
Pelo Malo – Feature – Postproduction
2007 – Postales de Leningrado – Feature – Fiction
2000 – A la media noche y media (codirected with M. Ugás) – Feature – Fiction
1994 – Calle 22 – Short – Fiction
Production notes
SUDACA FILMS founded in 1991 by Mariana Rondón and Marité Ugás, is specialized in the production of quality films, with relevant global commercial interest. Its latest production, El chico que miente, presented for the first time in the Berlinale, Generation 2011, was the second largest box-office in Venezuela and won 10 international awards. Postales de Leningrado (2007) won 23 awards and was distributed worldwide. Sudaca Films is now working on the post-production of Pelo Malo and the preparation of Huaquero.
The project has received the following supports: CNAC, Venezuela (production support), IBERMEDIA (support of the developmental and co-production stages), Global Film Initiative (production).
- Original title
- Pelo malo
- Direction
- Mariana Rondón
- Country
- Venezuela
- Année
- 2013
- Scenario
- Mariana Rondón
- Picture
- Micaela Cajahuaringa
- Cutting
- Marité Ugás
- Music
- Camilo Froideval
- Actors
- Samuel Lange, Samantha Castillo
- Original version
- Array
- Production
- Sudaca Films
- International Sales
- FiGa Films