- Sebastián Brahm
- 2015
- Mexique
- 119 min
- Films in Progress 27 / Toulouse 2015
Barbara and Guille are in love and she just wants to have a child with him. But an accident changes his personality and she discovers that she feels no desire for this dimwit stranger. After a year mourning the death of love she gets involved with Nils, a man more plain than old Guille, who offers her a life like the one she planned, minus real passion. She takes on this new life but the memory of lost love still harrows her. She realizes that sometimes the best father is not the best husband.
Sebastián Brahm
Sebastián Brahm studied journalism. He wrote and directed the short Bicycles (2005) and the feature Roman’s circuit (2011). He co-wrote and co-edited the documentary films The power of speech (Francisco Hervé, 2009), The lifeguard (Maite Alberdi, 2011) and Tea time (Maite Alberdi, 2014). He taught screenwriting at Universidad Católica de Chile between 2005 and 2009.f
Vida sexual de las plantas – LM / Feature – post-producción / post-production
2005 – El circuito de Román -LM / feature
2011 – Las bicicletas – Cortometraje / court-métrage / short movie
- Original title
- Vida sexual de las plantas
- International title
- Sex life of plants
- Direction
- Sebastián Brahm
- Country
- Mexique
- Année
- 2015
- Scenario
- Sebastián Brahm
- Picture
- Benjamín Echazarreta, Sergio Armstrong
- Cutting
- Sebastián Brahm
- Actors
- Francisca Lewin (Bárbara), Mario Horton (Guillermo), Cristián Jiménez (Nils), Nathalie Nicloux (Lupe).
- Original version
- Array