La muerte no existe y el amor tampoco

Emilia is invited to go back to her hometown in Patagonia to spread the ashes of Andrea, her best friend. Emilia pauses her life and travels for the ceremony. The snow and the wind of the south are the setting of a trip to the past in which she relives her friendship with Andrea, she accompanies her family in the mourning and is reunited with Julian, her first love, who has just become a father. Emilia scatters the ashes and with them she lets go of her past, her family, the south and also, of love.

Fernando Salem

Fernando Salem est diplômé de l’ENERC. Son premier film, Cómo funcionan casi todas las cosas, a gagné les Prix du Meilleur Réalisateur et du Meilleur Scénario au festival de Mar del Plata. Il a été projeté pendant 14 mois dans les cinémas de Buenos Aires et a été acheté par Netflix. Son court-métrage de thèse Trillizas propaganda! a fait sa première au festival de Venise, a reçu un prix à San Sebastián et a gagné le Condor d’Argent. La muerte no existe y el amor tampoco, adaptation du roman Agosto de Romina Paula, est sa deuxième oeuvre.


2015 – Cómo funcionan casi todas las cosas – Fiction – 92 min.
2005 – Trillizas Propaganda! – Fiction – 15 min.

Production notes

Caudillo Cine is a young production company founded by Diego Amson and Fernando Salem, producer and director of the award-winning Argentine film How Most Things Work. Caudillo Cine makes fiction films, documentaries, animation series, TV shows, commercials and production services. Caudillo Cine is a vision and work. Hard work.


La muerte no existe y el amor tampoco was declared movie of interest by the INCAA in Argentina and thus received a production fund. It was also considered of cultural interest by the province of Santa Cruz, receiving a municipal fund.

Original title
La muerte no existe y el amor tampoco
Fernando Salem
Fernando Salem, Esteban Garelli
Georgina Pretto
Emiliano Fardaus
Santiago Barrionuevo (Santiago Motorizado)
Antonella Saldicco (Emilia), Justina Bustos (Andrea), Agustín Sullivan (Julián), Susana Pampín (Úrsula), Osmar Nuñez (Jorge), Fabián Arenillas (Albert), Francisco Lumerman (Manuel)
Original version
Caudillo Cine
Tarea Fina