- Fellipe Fernandes
- 2021
- Brésil
- 90 min
- Films in Progress 39 / Toulouse 2021
Tiago is a worker who discovers the identity of his absent father when his half-sisters show up, which leads him to question his own identity on the eve of his 28th birthday. Living in Rio Doce (Sweet River), on the outskirts of Olinda, part of the Recife metropolitan area in northeastern Brazil, he struggles to find his place in the world. During this process, he strengthens significant emotional bonds, thus transforming his way of being and seeing the world.
Fellipe Fernandes
Fellipe FERNANDES (Brésil, 1988) est journaliste et cinéaste. Il a d’abord travaillé comme assistant-réalisateur. Il a tourné deux courts-métrages en 2016 et 2019. Rio Doce est son premier long-métrage.
– O Delírio é a redenção dos aflitos (Delusion is redemption to those in distress), 2016 Semaine de la Critique 2016 ; Chicago International Film Festival 2016 ; Festival de Brasília de Cinema Brasileiro 2016 (Melhor Roteiro, Melhor Direção, Melhor Direção de Arte/ Best Script, Best Direction, Best Production Designer ; Cinélatino Toulouse 2017 – Tempestade (Storm), 2019
Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes 2019 ; Janela Internacional de Cinema 2019 ; Festival Internacional de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro – Curta Cinema 201
Production notes
We have produced Fellipe Fernandes’s films since the beginning of his career as a screenwriter and director. As producers, we seek fruitful work relationships in which we act as creative producers. Rio Doce is a project that we are very proud of. It is also Fellipe’s first feature. We believe in the power of the film mainly based on his work as director and on Okado’s performance. Even though this is a challenging time to release and distribute a film, we are excited by the beginning of this journey.
– Development : Funcultura (Pernambuco State Fund)
– Production + Post-production : Funcultura (Pernambuco State Fund) et FSA (Ancine – National Film Agency).
- Original title
- Rio Doce
- Direction
- Fellipe Fernandes
- Country
- Brésil
- Année
- 2021
- Scenario
- Fellipe Fernandes
- Picture
- Pedro Sotero
- Cutting
- Quentin Delaroche
- Actors
- Okado do Canal Cíntia Lima Cláudia Santos Carlos Francisco Nash Laila Thassia Cavalcanti Amanda Gabriel
- Original version
- Array
- Production
- Ponte Produtoras
- Coproduction
- Le Bureau Films