- Direction
- Pierre Carles
- Country
- France
- Format
- Feature film
- Type
- Documentary
- Original title
- L'avenir dure longtemps, 50 ans de guerilla des FARC
- Scenario
- Pierre Carles
Pierre Carles
Opération Correa, les ânes ont soif, sortie mars 2015 Films des deux rives.Festival Edoc (Quito) Festival Amérique Latine Biarritz. Festival de Lassalle. Festival Fifigrot Toulouse. Fin de concession, sortie octobre 2010- Shellac.Festival International du Film de La Rochelle Festival International du film de Marseille. Festival du Film français d’Helvétie. Festival « Nouveaux Mondes » à Montréal. Choron dernière (co réalisation Martin) sortie janvier 2009, Taddrart.Rencontres du cinéma français à Pau, Rencontres cinéma de Gindou, Festival Groland Volemrienfoutrealpaïs.Sortie2007.ShellacRencontres cinéma de Gindou. Traces de Vies à Clermont Ferrand. Festival des Libertés de Bruxelles. « Documenta » de Madrid.
Note of intent
About the FARC I have been collecting new records, shooting preparatory interviews with veterans who are the keepers of the oral memory of the organization. Witnesses of its beginning and springing up are few, it is the right time for them to tell us their stories. Under the auspices of Muel who stands up for some of us as an exemplary film director for his engagement beside voiceless people, the point is to recall that, even when confronted to strong adversity, when everything appears to be wasted it may be that Future is to come…
The FARC, oldest guerilla of the planet is going to sign a peace agreement. In 1965 Jean-Pierre Sergent and Bruno Muel were the first men filming rebels in a country devastated by inequalities and violence from the landowners. Both Frenchmen are secretly making their way as far as Rio Chiquito where guerilla is being carried out. Not far from here, one year earlier fifty farmers took the arms to defend themselves and broke loose from being encircled by the Columbian Army, it is the founding act of the FARC. They are filming the everyday life of the peasant guerilleros. Manuel Marulanda who will be leading for half a century the most important communist maquis of half XXth century grants his first interview. Nobody at the time knows he will become a mythical character such as Che Guevara. Muel, Sergent, the members of the maquis, surviving people from that time and the youngest ones call forth this unusual resistance.
Visual concept
With the last living witnesses from the film Rio Chiquito by Muel and Sergent, with records, during the Cuba negotiations we shall be led up to understand in what social and political context a unit of armed fight started. We will turn fifty years later the end of that existence, sort of Rio Chiquito inside down. We shall come along in the Columbian mountains when going on a farewell tour with Miguel Pascuas, the oldest still operating chief or Laura Villa, a young middle class doctor.
- Objectives sought in Films in Development
Meetings about the subject of the film, search for production and diffusion partners.
- Percentage of funding in place
- 30%
- Producer's biography
Annie Gonzalez created Le jour/La nuit (short and long features, documentaries), and then C-P Productions to help the author whom critical work could offer reflective and funny films. Ongoing productions : Correa si, Correa no by Pierre Carles and Nina Faure, Petites histoires populaires by Christophe Coello, Bourdieu, le retour by Carles and Gonzalez, Les Bruts by Philippe Lespinasse.