El hombre de piel manchada (en)

El hombre de piel manchada



André Robert


  • Costa Rica


Feature film



Script writer(s): 

André Robert


Sergio is a hermit who has abandoned his family and the comforts of society to live in a bunker in the wilderness. His desire for solitude and disdain for humans drove him to hole up and find solace. He spends his days alone in the jungle hunting jaguars. After developing health problems, Sergio confronts the possibility of seeking treatment in the city or dying in complete isolation. "The Stained Man" is a docu-fiction that explores the solitary pursuit of a recluse for an elusive peace of mind.

Visual concept: 

"The Stained Man" is a docu-fiction that takes advantage of its particular format. Its documentary aspect portrays a visceral and unfiltered world with authentic characters and real environments. However, its fictional counterpart fabricates a narrative with a distinct visual aesthetic and a cinematographic montage that avoids any kind of documentary nuance.