Juan contre les monstres

Elvira Diaz
France, Chile
Feature film
Original title
Juan contre les monstres
Elvira Diaz

Elvira Diaz

Elvira Diaz was born in 1975. She lives in Montpellier, France. She is the daughter of a Chilean political refugee who fled the repression during Pinochet’s military regime. All her documentaries are about the consequences of the Chilean dictatorship and the lives of the resistant fighters and the survivors. She is an author and director, as well as a film editor and director of photography.


El patio, 2016
Victor JaraI n°2547, 2013
Y volveré, 2013

Note of intent

Juan and the Chileans’ fight against injustice and capitalism is universal. Juan against the monsters is David against Goliath. But despite the darkness of these facts, I don’t want to make a tragic film. Juan is full of life. He has a sense of humour. His resilience gives meaning to the dramas he has lived through, and despite the risks he takes, he confronts the demons of his past to the point of raising an ultra-taboo theme: betrayal. In Chile, and all over the planet, madness reigns, monsters are there, and they are human beings.


Frontline fighters in Chile have been battling to defend their lands, resources and dignity since October 2019. Catapults, shields, laser beams… They are pushing back the army and the police, who for the second time in history are killing, raping, torturing, mutilating and getting away with it. Juan Saravia, a sandwich vendor, is part of the fight. Head of the Funa Comisión, he hunts down assassins from the past and present who are trying to escape justice. He leads the crowd to the den of these monsters to reveal their identities and crimes to the world. Among them, Juan is searching for his father’s murderer. A Communist Party executive, his father is said to have collaborated before he died from tortures in 1982. It is Juan’s aim to clear his name and confront those who have treated his entire family as outcasts in the name of dogma. For Juan, monsters are everywhere…

Visual concept

Juan conducts suspense-filled investigations. Each sequence brings a clue to the puzzle. The active viewer does the cross-checking. The poster refers to the 1970-ies sci-fi. Juan, with his people, is fighting monsters invading the planet. He lives in a concrete vessel where the ghosts he is avenging roam. The colour grading will be bright and saturated to underline the surrealistic atmosphere and the characters’ insanity. The music, composed by a musician from Toulouse, will be synthetic, sometimes noisy, in harmony with the 1970-ies sci-fi references.

Objectives sought in Films in Development

Looking for a European coproduction, especially with Spain and a distributor, contacts with French and European broadcasters and willing to widen our network in Occitanie.

Shooting planned date

During 2020.

Planned shooting location

Santiago du Chili

Project's development phase

Writing and location scouting.

Land doc production
Las películas del pez
Biographie producteur.ice

Lucas Mouzas, born 1958 in Paris, has written and directed documentaries in Spain, À chœur et à cri (1999), and in Mexico, Sur le sentier de l’école (2006), Le mystère Toledo (2008), boradcasted on television and screened at international festivals. He has been producing and directing documentaries for Land Doc Production including La contrebasse voyageuse (2013) and Chroniques d’Ovalie (2017) since 2012.