Partners Films in Development

Films in Development Awards:

For several years, Cinélatino has been working in synergy with leading organisations in Latin America and in the Occitanie Pyrénées-Méditerrannée region.


BRLAB (Brazil)

The BrLab is an annual event aimed at future films in development and financing stages organized since 2011 in Brazil. Currently, it is the only meeting event in Brazil that receives projects from all over Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula and brings together in its program different workshops, seminars and international meetings. The event has become a space where professionals spontaneously merge to establish contacts around new projects and creative ideas.



Le-LoKal (member APIFA Occitanie) is a welcoming and ambitious production company with recognised expertise in post-production. Established for 19 years in Occitania, it has developed numerous documentary, animation and short film projects. When it comes to post-production, high end equipment, universal workflow as well as high rate skills allow to provide innovative technique solution, perfectly fitting specific needs.


Cinélatino also works in collaboration with French organizations:


L’APIFA (Occitanie Region Independent Producers Association)

The APIFA Occitanie gathers independant film productors of the Occitanie Pyrénées-Méditerrannée region. Since it’s creation, the APIFA aims to defend and lighten up the creative potential, professional and economic of all the audiovisual sector (fiction, animation, documentaries, and new medias). The APIFA gathers together 39 production societies which are representative of the dynamism and diversity of the regional cinematographic production.



Every year, the Cannes Festival Residence welcomes a dozen young directors who have come to work on their first or second feature film project. The Residence is organised in two sessions which are 4 month and a half long. Since its creation in 2000, more than 270 directors from over 60 countries have been welcomed since 2000. The Cinéfondation accompanies them in the writing of their screenplay and organizes meetings with professionals



The  Conseil  départemental  commits  itself  each  year  with Cinélatino. In 2022 it will host Films in Development meetings intended  to  encourage  professional  exchanges  between  the two continents. The Conseil départemental remains active to promote the access of Haut-Garonne residents to culture, in all its forms and expressions.



The Region supports Cinéma en Développement by contributing to the presence of the directors and producers whose films have been selected, as well as the professionals who participate in these coproduction and post-production aid schemes.



Signis supports and encourages film creation by awarding prices at major professional festivals, by offering  training for all audiences and by leading a film club network.



Région Occitanie

Conseil Départemental

Mairie de Toulouse

Apifa Occitanie


Bureau des Tournages


Le Lokal Production


Occitanie films


Ambassade de France au Venezuela