Previews 2018

The films on preview at the Cinélatino Festival constitute a specific promotion and a communication destined to cinema exhibitors, particularly to those who are members of the partner  association, the ACREAMP, which regroups 85 arthouse cinemas in Occitanie, Pyrénées-Méditerranée and Nouvelle Aquitaine. It is about promoting Latin-American films that are accessible   everywhere in France and offering to those films and their distributors the dynamics and visibility supplied by the festival.

Moreover, some films are shown during the 10 days of Cinélatino  Festival, in the cinemas of the region and sometimes accompanied by a guest. This programming is elaborated after a preview  organised in December.

Distributors are invited to contact the programming team as soon as possible, the deadline being the end of October, in order to propose the Latin-American films that they will release between  December and March or after the festival. The festival involves monitoring and giving support for distribution of the films during the year: release announcements in the festival’s monthly  newsletter and on its website. The films selected by the festival or supported by Cinema in Construction or Cinema in Development benefit from a specific support established by the distributor,  such as tickets to win, and the presence of a Festival team member during the showing of the film in Toulouse at the time of the release.

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