From 21th to 30TH MARCH 2025
Cinélatino – Rencontres de Toulouse invites directors and producers from Latin America to submit their films for selection for the 37th edition of the festival, which will take place in Toulouse, France, from 21 to 30 March, 2025. Entries are open for fiction, documentary, art and experimental films in all full-length, medium-length and short films.
Films produced on 2024 or finished in early 2025 can be submitted to be selected on the CATEGORIES described below. To be considered for the Fiction or Documentary Competition, the film must be unreleased in France on March 2025.
Films related to Latin america directed by non-latinamerican directors can also participate to be selected for the out of competition sections.
Submissions for the 37th edition of Cinélatino, that will take place on March 21th to 30th 2025, are closed.
For any question please contact
You can find last edition’s sections and awards on the Call for Entries 2024.
- Films must have been produced or premiered in 2024 or finished early 2025 and directed by latin-american directors.
- Films related to Latin America directed by non-latin American directors can also participate to be selected for the out of competition sections.
- To be considered for the Fiction or Documentary Competition, the film must be unreleased in France on March 2025.
- Submissions are free and directors and production companies can submit as many films they want, as long as they respect the required year of production.
- Submission must be made exclusively trough the online form, available in Spanish, Portuguese, French and English.
- Films that participated on last year’s call for entries can not be sumbitted this year.
- The selection process will last until February 2025.
- The prizes and endowments described here below are likely to be modified between the date of publication of the call for entries and the event. Its final version will be published in the catalog of the 2025 edition.
- The submitted films might be selected on the following categories :
Feature films | Documentaries | Short Films | Jeune Public
12 feature films unreleased in France will compete for:
– The Jury’s Crush Prize. The jury is made up of cinema industry professionals. This prize attributes a grant to encourage the french distribution of the awarded film in France. This sum includes 3000€ in cash for the french distributor and subtitling or DCP technical services for about 2000€ by Le Joli Mai.
– The Public Prize: the local daily newspaper “La Dépêche du Midi, : following your emotions”, will support the film that was best received by the public when it will be released in Toulouse by offering it an advertising campaign in Toulouse and its region.
– The FIPRESCI Prize, International federation of film Critics, for a first or second film. The jury is made up of 3 journalists from the international press. The FIPRESCI guarantees a journalistic presence in 60 countries and awards the “International Review Prize” in more than 50 festivals every year, including Cannes Festival.
– The SFCC Prize – Toulouse : for a first or second feature film of the director. The jury is made up of 3 journalists members of the French Union of Film Critics.
– The CCAS Prize (Caisse Centrale d’Activités Sociales du Personnel des Industries Electriques et Gazières) : A jury made of beneficiaries of Toulouse CMCAS votes for their favorite film. The movie should be suitable for a family audience in order to enable the discovery of a continent through its cinematography. The winner will receive a trophy in partnership with EDF SA and the film will be the screened a few times during the summer 2025 at the CCAS vacation centers, and the director will be invited to attend.
– The Rail d’Oc Prize: Given to a first or second film by the railway workers who enjoy cinema, “Ceux du Rail”,
DÉCOUVERTES FICTION : Selection of feature films from the current and the previous year, unreleased in Toulouse.
REPRISES : Selection of feature films released in Toulouse during 2024 or already screened in a previous Cinélatino edition.
documentaries CATEGORIES
7 documentaries unreleased in France are competing for:
– The Public Prize: the local daily newspaper, “La Dépêche du Midi, : following your emotions”, will support the film that was best received by the public when it will be released in Toulouse by offering it an advertising campaign in Toulouse and its region.
– The SIGNIS Prize. A jury made up of professionals from the cinema gives this award. SIGNIS is the World Catholic Organization for Communication.
Competition for SHORT Documentary
– The SIGNIS Prize: A jury made up of professionals from the cinema gives this award. SIGNIS is the World Catholic Organization for Communication.
– The Public Prize: among all short-films in Competition (fiction, animation, experimental or documentary) the audience will vote for their favourite short-film.
DOCUMENTARY DÉCOUVERTES : Selection of documentary films from the current and the previous year, unreleased in Toulouse.
PANORAMA DES ASSOCIATIONS : diferent associations from Toulouse will present documentaries accompanied by activities and discussions around the subjects they work about (LGBT, environment, tango, etc)
SHORT FILM DÉCOUVERTES : Selection of documentary short-films from the current and the previous year, unreleased in Toulouse.
– The Revelation Prize : This jury, composed of a Bref Cinéma representative, an APIFA representative and a Latin American professional, awards the Revelation Prize to a short fiction film in competition. This award consists of a cash prize of 1,500 euros from APIFA, a technical service of 2,000 euros from Lokal, and a subscription to Bref Cinéma.
– The Courtoujours Prize: a jury made up of university students from Toulouse, in collaboration with the CROUS, gives this award.
– The Public Prize: among all short-films in Competition (fiction, animation, experimental or documentary) the audience will vote for their favourite short-film.
SHORT FILMS DÉCOUVERTE : Selection of short films from the current and previous year.
JEUNE PUBLIC (childrens audience)
Selection of short and feature films (fiction, animated, documentaries and others) conceived for the 6 to 12 years old audience.
All submitted films will be notified about the results by email on February 2025 and the Official Selection will be announced on early March 2025.
If the film is selected in the Feature Film Competition or the Documentary competition :
– Regarding the screeening format, the producers must provide a DCP with French subtitles. If there is no French version, the Festival will be responsible for defining case by case the options to subtitle. For this purpose, the production must provide the dialogue list with time codes and a non-encrypted DCP without embedded subtitles.
– The director must be available on the dates of the festival to attend the screenings of her·his film in Toulouse. The Festival will cover the accommodation and meals for a maximum of 5 nights and will define, on a case-by-case basis, the means to finance the director’s travel. If the director is not able to attend, the organization reserves the right to transfer the invitation to another member of the team.
– The Festival will be able to invite only 1 representative per film, even in cases where there are 2 or more directors. If other team members manage to attend, the organization may grant them an accreditation.
– The rights holders of the film undertake to have the rights to use the communication elements sent (images, photos, texts, trailers, etc.), and to provide the corresponding photographic credits. They also authorize the festival to use them on all physical and online communication media (website, social networks, press conferences, catalogue, flyers, trailers, etc.) freely and free of charge.
If the film is selected in the Short Film Competition or the Out of Competition sections :
– Regarding the screeening format, the producers must provide a Digital File or a DCP with French subtitles. If there is no French version, the Festival will decide case by case the options to subtitle. For this purpose, the production must provide the dialogue list with time codes and a Digital File or a non-encrypted DCP without embedded subtitles.
– The rights holders of the film undertake to have the rights to use the communication elements sent (images, photos, texts, trailers, etc.), and to provide the corresponding photographic credits. They also authorize the festival to use them on all physical and online communication media (website, social networks, press conferences, catalogue, flyers, trailers, etc.) freely and free of charge.
– The Festival may support the director in his efforts to obtain funding to attend the Festival. In the case of being able to attend, the Festival will be able to propose meals, for a maximum of 5 nights.
Juliette Macé-Roussel
+33 (0) 561 32 98 83