Somos Mari Pepa

Alex, a 16 year old teenager living with his grandma has various plans to occupy himself during the summer: writing a new song with his rock band, finding a job and having his first sexual experience. He also becomes aware that his grandma is increasingly dependent on him. As summer draws on, Alex realizes that things are going to change forever and that he will have to grow up and learn to say goodbye.

Samuel Kishi Leopo

Samuel KISHI LEOPO (Mexico, 1984) a suivi des études d’Arts Audiovisuels à l’Université de Guadalajara. Somos Mari Pepa est son premier long-métrage après plusieurs courts durant les années 2000.


2013 – Somos Mari Pepa – LM – Postproduction
2011 – Mari Pepa – CM – Fiction
2010 – Acerca del Drama de los Calcetines – CM – Experimental
2009 – Luces Negras – CM – Fiction
2006 – Memoria Viva – CM – Documentary

Production notes

TEONANACATL AUDIOVISUAL is a company specialized in the management and production of commercial, cultural and creative audiovisuals. With over 8 years of experience in the production of acknowledged works, of various genres and formats (documentaries, films, television, video). CEBOLLA FILMS is a young production house striving to promote the projects of Mexican directors. It has produced the short films Luces Negras, Acerca del drala de los calcetines, and Mari Pepa.

Original title
Somos Mari Pepa
Samuel Kishi Leopo (Premier film)
Samuel Kishi Leopo, Sofía Gómez Córdova
Octavio Arauz
Yordi Capó, Carlos Espinoza
Kenji Kishi
Alejandro Gallardo, Arnold Ramírez, Rafael Andrade Muñoz, Moisés Galindo, Jaime Miranda, Petra Iñiguez Robles
Original version
Teonanacatl Audiovisul S.A. de C.V., Cebolla Films
International Sales
FiGa Films