Ascensión (en)




Cesar Acevedo


  • Colombia


Feature film



Script writer(s): 

Cesar Acevedo


Basilio returns to his old home after many years, only to discover that the humble abode has been consumed by the passage of time. Even so, his Mother (Elmira) has been waiting for him. Separated in life by violence, they understand that they are only being reunited now that they are dead, and thus decide to set off towards heaven in search of the Father and the promised land. This is how Mother and Son, now ghosts, begin a physical and spiritual journey in which they will recreate the story of their family and of the violence they endured, crossing a world devastated by the horrors of war with destroyed villages, processions with countless coffins, rivers turned cemeteries and stories of desolation and death. All of this was caused by Basilio, in life a savage criminal, now condemned to relive over and over the horror of his actions but this time carrying his crippled mother throughout the entire journey.  In this empty world where God is present in the silence, they will bear witness to how war not only destroys bodies but also spirits.

Visual concept: 

The background melts the form, this is why our biggest challenge will be to show as rigourously as posible the spiritual plan of the story. It doesn’t only consists in showing a devasted world by the war, but also, and mostly, to create an emotionnal landscape throughout images and sounds, throughout time construction and a rythm axed more on feelings than events. I want to be as realisatic as posible, but I entend reality not as a finality but as a mean to construct meaning, following a central idea : God only exists in silences.