Chosen in:
International title:
Original version:
- Colombia
Director of photography:
Juan Carlos Uribe M., Maria Isabel Gaviria L., Fredy York Monsalve, Fabio Restrepo, José Rincón, Ana María Naranja, Luis Menesesn Luis Upegui, David Ruiz, Francisco Frechoso
Synopsis :
This film is situated in Medellín and is about narcotrafic. It is a thriller based on the life of a small-time Colombian drug dealer, known as "el traqueto". He is character symbolic of the drug dealing and traffic in the eigthies, a time when the drug bosses had an inmense power and making life and death decisions over thousands of people. They used the famous killers (sicarios) for their murders.
Director's biography:
He studied phsycology at the Universidad de Antioquia and he is well known as a poet. He has directed a number of short films. In 1986 he became well-known through his first feature film, Rodrigo D. In 1998 he made La Vendedora de Rosas, wich is considered by the critics one of the most relevant films in contemporary filmmaking. Sumas y restas received a postproduction award from the Colombian Ministry of Culture.